Bold & Beautiful Preview: Utterly Betrayed, Steffy Is So Ticked, ‘Furious Would Not Begin to Describe It,’ Says Jacqueline MacInnes Wood

Credit: Gilles Toucas/CBS
Here’s hoping that Bold & Beautiful has the roof of Forrester Creations reinforced, because Steffy is about to hit it — hard. When she learns that dad Ridge has made Brooke the face of the Brooke’s Bedroom line, she goes positively apoplectic.
“Furious would not begin to describe it,” portrayer Jacqueline MacInnes Wood tells Soap Opera Digest. “Steffy has made it clear how she feels about Brooke and the Logans regarding Ridge and her family. She does not hold back from Ridge at how frustrated she is.”
From Steffy’s POV, Brooke is the interloper who has time and again prevented Ridge from living happily ever after with mom Taylor. Brooke has manipulated her way into the Forresters’ family business, and Steffy would like nothing better than for her sometime stepmother and her sisters to manipulate their way right back out, thank you very much.
Unfortunately, the Brooke’s Bedroom reveal is just the beginning of the fit hitting the shan for Steffy. Next, Dad hits her with the news that Brooke will be joining them at the upcoming fashion summit in Monte Carlo. Steffy, says Wood, is “frustrated, hurt and very disappointed.”
At least by week’s end, the co-CEO will have someone on whom she can really unload: Hope (who may have a surprising reason for her recent, brazen behavior). Another showdown is coming, and this one promises to be a doozy! “It’s really good story,” Wood teases. So good, in fact, that we might all do well to wear sunglasses to shield our eyes from the fireworks!