Days of Our Lives

Connie Overhears a Life-Altering Secret After She Strikes Again — Plus, Jack Has Exciting Abigail News for Chad

Days' Bobby winces as he lays in bed

Credit: Peacock screenshot

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On today’s Days of Our Lives, Ava and Gabi are going over Gabi Chic ideas when the brand’s namesake calls Ava out for being anxious. Ava makes up some excuse and asks about Rafe. There’s no change. Just then, Stefan calls Gabi saying he needs her at the bistro and it can’t wait. An unnerved Gabi runs off as Ava curses to herself. “Damn. Why do I not feel so well all of a sudden?”

Tamara Braun, Cherie Jimeniz "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 12/22/23 © XJJohnson/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 14912 U.S.Airdate 7/31/24

Over at the police station, Bobby insists to Jada that he’s not a murderer — though he admits he is Bobby after a few threats. “But I did not stab Li. And I did not stab Rafe.” Before he can come clean, though, he starts getting lightheaded and claims he feels sick. Jada isn’t buying it, but he says he’s gotta go and leaves unsteadily.

Stephanie, meanwhile, leaves a phone message for Jada, warning her that Leo suspects Everett is still Bobby. She arrives shortly after and Jada fills her friend in about Bobby’s admission to being, well, Bobby. But while he still insists he’s not a murderer, he knows who is.

Stephanie marvels over it all, then declares she’s heading for Everett’s right now. Jada’s hands are tied legally, but hers aren’t. She storms out and Jada rushes after her.

Abigail Klein, Elia Cantu "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 12/22/23 © XJJohnson/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 14912 U.S.Airdate 7/31/24

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Over in Everett’s hotel room, Connie’s cheerfully framing him when Leo knocks looking for his boss. Connie freezes, then knocks something over just before Leo leaves, but he gets the hint and walks off. She plants some gloves, leaves a note on his laptop and puts his pills next to the nightstand.

As she slips out, she drops a keycard. Bobby arrives shortly after, relieved to see his room card on the floor, barely able to stand. “God… What is wrong with me?” Inside his room, he makes it to the bed, moaning and groaning and spots the pill bottle next to his bed. He starts to read it, then gives up. “Who cares?”

He thinks back to Connie bringing him coffee, realizing she drugged him. He tries calling for help, but can’t work the phone.

Over at The Spectator, Jack arrives to Chad’s congratulations at getting his half of the paper back. But he’s not there for work, he’s there to talk about Abigail. The video cleanup is going slow and may be a dead end. If it is, Chad says, then they’ve got nothing. Before Jack leaves, Chad offers to give his half of the paper back to Jack. He won’t have it, though. “It was meant to be Abigail’s.” And someday, whether she’s alive or not, it should go to Thomas and Charlotte.

After he’s gone, Leo shows up to wax on about all the Lady Whistleblower stories he’s got. He tells Chad about how Everett doesn’t seem like himself, and mentioned getting blown off when he went to visit the editor in chief. Chad tells him Everett just needs space as he focuses on his mental health. Leo, though, wonders if Everett was released too early.

Days' Chad and Jack stand across from each other looking concerned as they talk in the Spectator offices

They then get onto the topic of Jack coming back and Leo admits he wondered if Gwen was coming back, too. Then he pauses and realizes today was her and Dimitri’s anniversary. It was a disaster and the two of them never even got divorced. He threw away his friendship with Gwen for nothing, only for Dimitri to write a poorly written letter that he met some guy in prison and fell in love.

“A part of me wonders if it’s even true.” Leo thinks Dimitri may have gone back to Gwen to reclaim his inheritance. Chad calms him down and tells him it’s a stretch. And which would be less upsetting? Gwen or another man? Gwen because Leo’s worried he’d break her heart again. He misses them both. A lot.

Chad tells him to look forward, not behind, saying he hopes for good things for Leo. “It’s OK to feel lonely. Moving on from the love of your life, some days, is impossible.” Leo asks if there’s been any updates on Abigail. He hopes Chad never has to move on.

Back at DiMera, Kristen pops into Ava’s office wondering where Gabi is. Leaving at Stefan’s summons on just her second day, “is unacceptable.” Ava says she told her to go. Best to rip the bandaid off if Stefan is going to tell Gabi about their affair. Kristen tells her to stop worrying. And stop talking about it in public places. Someone will overhear.

Stacy Haiduk, Julie Dove "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 01/31/24 © XJJohnson/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 14912 U.S.Airdate 7/31/24

Just then, Connie cheerfully bursts in telling them she’s Gabi’s new executive assistant. Ava greets her and Connie asks where her boss is. She’s got coffee, which Kristen takes and chugs down. But she stops almost immediately saying it tastes awful and Connie flashes back to drugging Bobby’s coffee.

She didn’t put anything in. “Not in that one, anyway…” Kristen tells her to bring sweetener for the coffee. Connie says she works for Gabi, “And you work for me!” Kristen yells. “Chop chop!” Ava gets a message from Gabi saying she’s taking the rest of the day off to celebrate her anniversary.

Connie rushes in with sweetener wondering where her desk is. “Why don’t you ask Gabi?” Kristen slinks out with Ava and Connie sits in Gabi’s chair. “No one’s using this one. Don’t mind if I do.”

Days' Stefan smiles at Gabi in the Bistro

Stefan is pacing nervously in an empty bistro, but when Gabi walks in saying he wants one-on-one time with his wife. He turns up the charm and whips out a bouquet of roses. “What are these for?” He wishes her a happy anniversary, “to the love of my life.” Gabi, though, had forgotten. She feels awful, but she’s been so busy with Gabi Chic. Also, she just wants to forget “that whole disastrous, Gwen/Dimitri double wedding.”
He insists it’s OK, he just wanted to surprise her. They kiss and he tells her he’s got more surprises coming. “We’re only just beginning.” He wrote her a poem, which he then recites for several minutes. They kiss once again when he finishes.

In the show’s final moments, Stephanie and Jada burst into Bobby’s room to find him unconscious, but still alive. His pulse is weak. Jada finds the pills and tries asking how many he took. “I didn’t take…” he mutters.

Days' Jada holds an unresponsive Bobby's wrist as she asks him what happened while he lays in bed, out of it


Connie happily talks to herself about washing her hands of “the Bobby problem.” Up next is making Stefan and Gabi pay for what they did to Li. She flashes back to hearing Ava and Kristen talking about the affair with Stefan just outside the office door.

Stefan tells Gabi that he falls more and more in love with her every day, then pours some champagne. They toast to the year ahead. “Best one yet,” Gabi says. And they kiss one more time.

Greg Rikaart "Days of our Lives" Set NBC Studios Burbank 12/22/23 © XJJohnson/ 310-657-9661 Episode # 14912 U.S.Airdate 7/31/24

Out in the Horton Square, Leo calls Gwen, surprised that she answered. She tells him to “go screw himself” and hangs up. And back at The Spectator, Jack returns to say he’s got the video.

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