Days of Our Lives

Xander Has a Surprising Reaction to Maggie’s Gesture — and Someone Spies on Tate and Holly

A furrowed Xander hands Maggie an envelope

Credit: Peacock screenshot

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A shirtless Xander lifts weights at home as Sarah opens Justin and Bonnie’s RSVP to their wedding. Xander expresses disdain, but Sarah reminds him they are family. Plus, considering what Xander did to Bonnie, he should feel lucky they support their relationship. Xander wonders if Bonnie can let it go, why can’t she?

At the Kiriakis mansion, Bonnie and Justin toast to the 4th of July. Bonnie says they also have an engagement to celebrate. Justin assumes she’s talking about Xander and Sarah. Alex waltzes in. Not just them, he says. He and Theresa are getting married too. Tensing, Justin says he needs time to process the news, but Alex knows he doesn’t trust Theresa. “Isn’t that right… Justin?”

At the townhouse, Brady tells Theresa he wants to send Tate to lacrosse camp for the summer. Since it will put distance between Tate and Holly, she’s all for it.

From the Pub, Tate calls Holly to see if she still wants to run away with him. There’s no way he’s going to lacrosse camp. Holly doesn’t know how they’ll pull it off since she’s basically locked up in a castle surrounded by a moat. Tate has a plan, which he promises is better than his Prom plan.

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Holly bends down, pleading with a glaring Rachel

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After hanging up, Holly discovers Rachel staring at her in the DiMera living room. Rachel wants to know what Holly’s plotting with her brother. Holly says they just want to be together and asks Rachel not to tell anyone what she heard. Rachel doesn’t want to lie and pulls out her phone to call Holly’s mom. Holly rips the phone from her hands.

At their apartment, Sarah insists she has let go of what Xander did, noting she’s made her own fair share of mistakes. Xander promises not to be corrupted by money again. He’ll only be corrupted by a beautiful woman. They kiss passionately as someone knocks on the door. Xander puts on a tank top as Sarah answers to Maggie. She gives Xander a check for his share of Victor’s estate. Xander gapes at the huge amount. Maggie says he stepped up to protect the family from Konstantin and deserves to be rewarded. An emotional Xander says it means a lot to him, but he can’t accept it.

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At the Kiriakis mansion, Justin says he just wants Alex to be careful. Alex doesn’t need his “cousinly” advice. He’s emulating “my father” who always went with his gut. Justin points out that Victor was not a fan of Theresa’s. Alex counters that Victor gave him controlling interest of Titan and half his fortune. Which means he trusted his instincts. As executor of Victor’s estate, Justin orders Alex to ensure Theresa signs an air-tight prenup. Alex gets defensive, but Justin just wants him to protect himself. He must have thought about this. Alex flashes to Brady expressing concern over Theresa being with him for his money. However, Alex says he doesn’t need protection from Theresa. She arrives asking if they’re talking about a prenup.

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At the Pub, Tate shows his friend Aaron the lacrosse camp brochure. Aaron would love to go to a camp like that. That’s perfect since Tate wants him to go in his place. Since no one knows who he is or what he looks like, it’ll be a piece of cake. He knows Aaron will have colleges throwing scholarships at him after this camp. Excited, Aaron accepts. He just needs to ask his brother, but he’s sure Mark would love to have him out of his hair for the summer.

Rachel and Brady high five in the DiMera mansion

At the DiMera mansion, Holly bribes Rachel with the perfume she likes if she’ll keep quiet. Brady arrives, wondering what they’re talking about. They say perfume, and Rachel runs off to get glow sticks for the fireworks. Brady tells Holly about Tate’s lacrosse camp. She acts appropriately bummed out but says she understands. He says they can re-evaluate the situation when he returns. If they prove trustworthy, things could look different their senior year.

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With a titled chin and raised brows, Brady gestures to Holly. She faces him with crossed arms

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At home, Xander points out he just promised Sarah he’d never be so money-driven again. Besides, if Victor wanted him to have his money, he would have left it to him himself. Maggie believes Victor did love him and would want him to have it. Still, Xander returns the check. He quips that he’d still like an extravagant wedding gift, though. Maggie is so proud of him for making this decision. She knows Victor would be, too.

After Maggie leaves, Sarah tells Xander how amazing it is that he turned down the money. He laments spending so much time going after money he didn’t deserve. It’s time for him to actually earn it. The Spectator might not be doing well right now, but it’s legitimate work, and it’s his. He knows Maggie meant well, but it felt like pity, which he doesn’t need because he has the best prize of all… her. Sarah wonders if he’d consider it pity sex if she slept with him right now because she’s never wanted him more. He doesn’t care what she calls it. He sweeps her up and carries her to the bedroom.

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At the Kiriakis mansion, Justin explains his stance regarding the prenup. Theresa declares how much she loves Alex, who she became involved with before he found out he was Victor’s heir. Alex keeps flashing back to Brady’s theory that she learned the truth before they did. She asks Alex if he trusts her. Of course, he does. She offers to sign the prenup to put people’s doubts to rest. All she wants is to make him happy. Justin asks if she’d like him to draw up the paperwork. Her smile faltering, she says, sure, draw them up.

From the Pub, Tate calls Holly to tell her of his plan with Aaron. Now, they just need to find a place for him to stay hidden in Salem so she can visit him all summer. Aaron alerts him to Brady and Rachel walking in. Tate engages in a snarky conversation with Brady about lacrosse camp, and Rachel invites them to the fireworks. Aaron declines because his mom is having people over for a barbecue. Tate snidely says he should go home and pack for his big summer. Brady is sure it’ll be a great experience.

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As Victoria sleeps, Xander and Sarah watch fireworks from their window. Xander says they might not be the richest couple in town, but they are the luckiest. “And the happiest,” Sarah adds.

Bonnie brings out noise makers for her and Justin to celebrate the 4th of July. Joining them, Maggie shows Justin the check Xander turned down.

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As Brady and Rachel watch the fireworks in the Square, Theresa and Alex arrive. Alex smugly tells Brady that Theresa offered to sign a prenup. When Brady steps away with Rachel to get ice cream, Theresa wonders why Alex would say that. He tells her not to worry about it. She assumes Brady was badmouthing her. Alex assures her he wasn’t buying what Brady said. He trusts her completely. Off to the side, Brady asks Rachel if she’ll miss Tate this summer. She will, but not as much as Holly will.

Holly meets Tate at the park bench. They look forward to spending the whole summer together without anyone knowing. As they kiss, someone spies on them from behind branches.

In the park at night, Tate holds Holly's face as he kisses her

Next on Days of Our Lives, Gabi overhears EJ and Stefan arguing, and Bobby does his best to sabotage Marlena’s efforts.

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