General Hospital

Portia Reveals Heather’s Test Results to Trina—But What Is She Hiding?

Portia stares intently at Trina at Cafe Cherie

Credit: ABC screenshot

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As Josslyn helps a short staffed Carly close Bobbie’s, she expresses her disapproval over what her mother is doing with Sonny. She begrudgingly accepts what’s really going on, but struggles with Carly risking everything for a man she doesn’t believe would reciprocate.

Brennan interrupts Robert’s dinner with Felicia in his office. He extends his hand to Felicia, who coldly ignores it. She and Robert pressure Brennan into confirming Anna and Jason have made contact with the person holding Lucky prisoner, but that’s all the information he can give them. Felicia wonders why she helped Jason and Anna in the first place. Brennan claims it’s because Lucky is Luke’s son, and the bureau owes the latter a debt. Felicia wonders what’s in it for him. “Your goodwill is plenty,” he smugly says and leaves.

In Robert's office, Brennan holds out his hand to an unresponsive Felicia, who stands next to Robert.

Molly comes to the Brown Dog Bar and orders a straight bourbon since they’re not a cocktail kind of place. She sadly looks at her baby’s sonogram before leaving a voicemail for TJ. Dex arrives and sits with her to lend an ear. As she opens up to him, she cries over all the hopes she had for her baby.

TJ meets Curtis at the empty Savoy. He laments how he and Molly keep finding reasons to be apart. It feels like everything has changed, even though nothing between them actually has. Curtis recalls how he pushed Portia away and isolated himself when he was learning to walk again. It gave him a sense of control, but it actually just hurt all areas of his life. TJ doesn’t want to lose Molly, but he’s starting to feel it’s out of his control. They might have a lot of history together, but it might not be enough to guarantee them a future.

In the Quartermaine kitchen, Brook Lynn tips a large bowl over baking pans. Gio motions to them

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Gio finds Brook Lynn in the Q kitchen making brownies for Violet’s school event. She wants to make sure the little girl knows she’s loved and cared for. Gio remarks that she sounds exactly like his mom. Brook Lynn smiles reservedly. Later, they share warm memories about his mother. He talks about how patient and amazing she was, just like Brook Lynn and Chase are with Violet. He knows their kids will be so lucky when they have them. Brook Lynn weakly says they’re working on it.

While meeting with Terry at the hospital, Portia discovers Brad was rehired at the lab a month ago. Portia can’t believe Terry didn’t warn her he’s back. Better yet, why didn’t she stop it? Terry defends his job performance thus far. Portia warns she will be keeping an eye on him. The minute he steps out of line, he’s gone.

Elsewhere in the hospital, Elizabeth and Willow discuss how people are looking for Lucky in a dangerous place, hoping he’ll be a donor match for Lulu. Willow notes that’s what Drew did for her. Liz quietly notices Willow’s gushing over how brave and compassionate Drew is.

At Bobbie’s, Carly claims to be helping Sonny for Donna and Avery, but she’s not tying herself to Sonny forever. Joss points to the past as evidence that’s easier said than done. Brennan strolls in. Carly introduces him to Joss, who learns he once tried to kidnap Carly. Carly clarifies that it was a misunderstanding and that he’s the new head of the Port Charles WSB office. After Joss leaves, Brennan updates Carly on how he helped Jason and Anna find Lucky. He then asks about Sonny, but she doesn’t want to talk about him. He’s good with that since he prefers not to discuss exes or the past. He likes to live in the here and now.

Elizabeth runs into Terry in the hospital. She reports her brother Steven got out of prison and is relocating to Sedona. She doubts he’ll visit Port Charles so as to stay away from Heather. Terry asks if Elizabeth thinks Heather deserves a second chance. Elizabeth isn’t sure she does. Terry asks what about Brad, whose recommendation came from her. Elizabeth thinks Terry’s belief in Brad might be enough to make a difference in him.

Molly talks to Dex at a bar

After Molly collects herself at the bar, she shares with Dex that court is her happy place. It has order and makes the most sense. She feels like she’s spinning everywhere but court, where she’s the person she wants to be.

In Robert’s office, he and Felicia muse over Brennan helping with Lucky. Is he trying to curry favor with the WSB or someone else? Felicia suggests he’s doing it for Carly.

At Bobbie’s, Carly and Brennan discuss their history. He cheekily admits their early meetings were mostly a setup, but he enjoyed her company. There’s nothing false about that. However, he wants nothing from her now. At least, nothing to do with bureau business.

At Café Cherie, Portia tells Trina that Heather’s lab results prove her levels were just as high before her surgery as they were after. Which means her cobalt poisoning had nothing to do with her hip replacement. Trina doesn’t understand how she got toxic levels of cobalt in her bloodstream then. Portia doesn’t know, but whatever the reason, she’s never getting out of Pentonville. Trina finally feels free, like a weight has been lifted. Portia tears up, happy that things are turning out the way they’re supposed to. She flashes back to changing Heather’s cobalt level results from 1.8 to 300.

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