Days of Our Lives

The Real Reason Why Holly and Tate’s Parents Should Let Them See Each Other On Days of our Lives

Days of our Lives Holly, Tate, EJ, Nicole, Theresa, Brady and the Soap Hub logo.Holly and Tate’s parents are making a big mistake.
Holly and Tate are totes sads on Days of our Lives. The meanie, evil, they were never young themselves parents aren’t letting them see each other (of course, they did go to prom but got caught in a hotel room). So unfair! So unjust! So unforgivable. Holly and Tate are right. Brady and Theresa, and Nicole and EJ should let them see each other as much as they want. But not for the reasons Holly and Tate think.

What a Girl Wants

Holly (Ashley Puzemis) has already flat-out said that being forbidden from seeing Tate (Leo Howard) just makes her want to be with him more. It’s for real so Romeo and Juliet, don’t you think?

So, she knows that this isn’t about Tate. It’s about telling Nicole (Arianne Zucker) and EJ (Dan Feuerriegel) that Holly is a big, grown-up girl who can make her own big, grown-up girl decisions and that they absolutely won’t end with her in a coma. That was, like, four months ago. Holly has matured so much since then. Without an obstacle to their One True Pairing, star-crossed, meant to be, epic love, Holly will have to settle for just plain, old, boring, immature Tate, which should be exactly what Nicole and EJ want.

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Where the Boys Are

As for Tate, you’d think that Holly confessing it’s not him that she’s into; it’s the rebellion he represents, would have been a pretty big clue that she’s just not that into him. Do you know what his second clue should be? All those months when Holly wasn’t into him. All those months when she was obsessed with Johnny (Carson Boatman), including the drunken text she sent him on her birthday, which is what led to her deciding to go out with Tate — and get stoned to make it through the evening.

Finally, do you know what should be his third and final clue? The fact that Holly was OK with him being blamed for her overdose, even when she remembered what really happened on New Year’s Eve.

Right now, Tate isn’t thinking about those things. He’s only thinking of how awful Brady (Eric Martsolf) and Theresa (Emily O’Brien) are being. If that stumbling block disappears, he’ll have to see Holly clearly. What are the odds he’ll like what he sees?

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