Cates Orders Jason to Take a New Assignment, or Else — and Ava Confides a Big Secret to Scott

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At Bobbie’s, Danny is sitting with Jason, and he can’t believe he’s going away with his dad this weekend and his mom is letting him. Carly comes over and hears Jason is taking Danny out on a boat, and she has sandwiches being made for their trip.
Cates interrupts and says he needs to speak to Jason. Jason says he has plans with his son today, but Cates says, “Not anymore.” Carly argues that Danny’s lost enough time with his father. Jason tells Danny they’ll reschedule and asks Carly to take Danny home. Jason and Cates go up to his room.
In his room, John tells Jason that they raided Cassadine’s house, and it was empty. He thinks Jason tipped him off and stalled him yesterday. Jason says he wouldn’t risk blowing the two years he lost to Cates by doing that. Cates says without Valentin, he has nothing to show.
Cates tells Jason he’ll be going to Quantico tonight, he’ll be given a new ID, and station in a federal prison to help bust a drug operation being run out of it. Jason refuses, so Cates says Carly will go to Pentonville if he’s not on the bus to Quantico tonight.
Jason again refuses, so Cates says if he wants to stay in Port Charles he has to give him the intel to put Sonny away for good. Jason claims he has nothing, causing Cates to becomeangryand lash out that Sonny has to pay for what he did to Karen and his brother. Jason notes Sonny hasn’t been right about a lot lately, but he was right about Cates. Jason says this was never about Pikeman, it’s always been about bringing Sonny down.
Laura stops in to see Anna at the PCPD. She asks if Anna’s heard from Valentin. Anna says she hasn’t. Laura reveals the FBI came by to see her wanting to know where Valentin and Charlotte are, and she has no idea. Their phones are disconnected, and Charlotte’s social media accounts have all been wiped. Laura asks Anna if she can get in touch with Valentin. Anna says she doesn’t have any way to, unfortunately. Laura doesn’t understand what is going on. Anna says if anyone else contacts her, let her know so she can help. Laura has a bad feeling about this. She wonders why they are looking for Valentin.
Laura asks Anna if she can talk to John Cates. Anna says she and John haven’t seen eye to eye since he came to town, and Cates wouldn’t disclose anything about this case to her, given her closeness to Valentin. Laura says this came out of nowhere, and she thought Valentin had left his old life behind. Anna thought so, too, but perhaps Valentin wasn’t the person they thought he was. Laura has to believe he’ll keep Charlotte safe. Anna assures her that Valentin has been trained for these situations, and Charlotte is resourceful. Laura cries all her children are out of her reach right now, and Charlotte is now missing. Laura asks her to let her know if she hears anything. Anna will, but she doubts she’ll hear from him either.
Laura leaves, and Anna wipes away some tears. Later, Carly appears and asks if she is helping John to go after Sonny. Anna says she can’t divulge any information on a case, even if she had any to divuldge. Anna asks what is this about? Carly says Cates came for Jason this morning, and Jason was supposed to be done with the FBI. Anna asks what else happened? Carly says Cates is helping Ava in her custody case against Sonny. She thinks this has to be about Cates’ hatred of Sonny. Anna agrees he could be going after Sonny. Carly says no matter what Cates threatens, Jason won’t flip on Sonny. Anna asks her not to do anything rash and let her look into this. Carly says she should never have involved her and this is between her and Jason, so they’ll fix it. Carly storms out, and Anna makes a call.
Brook Lynn meets with Kristina and Blaze outside the Quartermaine boathouse. Brook Lynn says today is the day they prep for their interview with Perez Hilton. Kristina asks if he’ll use the questions they gave him, as they don’t want curveballs. Brook Lynn says, unfortunately, Perez and his producers say no.
Kristina is worried, and Brook Lynn says Perez will ask hard-hitting questions. Perez also says nothing is off limits, including Kristina’s father and Blaze’s brother. Brook Lynn reminds them this gives them a chance to tell their side of the story, but Blaze thinks it’s too risky and wants to cancel the interview.
Kristina reassures Blaze that they need to do this interview, and she can handle Perez and whatever he asks. Brook Lynn thinks they should take this risk, and Perez has no private agenda. Also, just because Perez asks a question doesn’t mean they must answer it. For example, they can reframe a question. She notes if he asks what it was like growing up as a mob boss’ daughter that Kristina can simply say both her parents encouraged her to be the best she can be. She suggests they do a mock interview as practice.
Ava meets with Scott in her Metro Court room to strategize their case. Scott needs to have people on Ava’s side to speak to Sonny’s deficiencies as a father. Scott brings up Alexis or Nina, but Ava says they despise her. Scott asks Ava, who she hasn’t angered lately. Ava says she has Laura, and she’s the mayor. She also says she has Trina, who has immense character. Scott notes that is only two. Ava says she’s tired of his pessimism, and he’s fired. She unfires him when he notes he could be called to testify against her. He tells her that he’s trying to help her. Ava says she also has John Cates. Scott says she’s only known him for fifteen minutes, and she said he was having her followed. Ava says that’s over, and he didn’t find anything. Scott asks, aside from Cates’s hatred of Sonny, why would he take her side? She admits they’ve gotten closer. He says if something is going on between them, then Diane will bring that out in court, but she says nothing is going on… yet.
Ava suggests they could get Dex, who Sonny almost beat to death, and Kristina witnessed the beating. She says he should subpoena her too. Scott asks about Joss, as she hates Sonny, but Ava calls her an entitled brat who looks down her nose at her. Ava suddenly has a great idea. She suggests they call Carly as a witness! He thinks that isn’t going to help them. Ava says she witnessed a huge fight between Carly and Sonny, and she refused to let Donna stay over because of his erratic behavior and accused him of not taking his meds. Scott asks if he is taking his meds? She says he is, and Sonny might be their strongest witness. Scott asks why she thinks that? She invokes attorney-client privilege and reveals one of Sonny’s meds has been switched with a placebo. She has no idea who did it but discovered it, and the results aren’t pretty. Scott realizes she wants him to get Sonny on the stand and push his buttons. She says he’ll blow up and prove how volatile he is to everyone.
Michael meets with his father and Diane at Sonny’s place. Michael asks what this is about. Sonny admits he needs his help. Sonny says he’s going for custody of Avery and tells him how Ava leaked Natalia’s recording to the press. Michael notes that what Natalia said still isn’t right, but Sonny says she’s working on her thinking and Ava did this to be spiteful and hurt him.
Sonny needs Michael to be a character witness for him. Michael says he may not be the best character witness given their public arguments lately, plus there is the fact that mom sent Morgan to military school to keep him away from Sonny, and he was hit in the head by a ricocheted bullet.
Diane says Michael is right, and she was going to bring those points up, as Scott surely will. Sonny becomes irate and thinks Michael is doing everything he can not to help him. He says Michael is only a good son when he needs something from him. The rest of the time, Michael acts like he’s something he is scraping off the bottom of his shoes. Diane is stunned, and Michael says he asked him for help, but now he’s attacking him. He only acts like this when he’s off his meds. Sonny insists he’s taking his meds, but Michael says perhaps they aren’t working. Michael wanted things to work out between them, and it would be a mistake to call him to testify, as Sonny isn’t the father he knew growing up. He storms out.
Sonny tells Diane that he knows what she’s going to say, but this is his family, and he’ll deal with it. Diane says he abused a witness that he invited into his home. She says his behavior is getting more erratic and aggressive, and if he can’t get a grip on what has him, then there is no way she can convince a family court judge that he will be a responsible parent for any child.
On the next General Hospital: Carly warns Sonny that Cates wants to take him down. Jason asks Anna to give him the same consideration she gave Valentin. Kristina tells Michael she’s just as much of a liability on the stand as he is. Cates tells Ava if she wants his help, she has to help him first. Sonny says. “It’s about time someone beats that lesson into him.”