Carly’s Day in Court Takes an Unexpected Turn — and Anna Finds a Familiar Face in Washington D.C.

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Anna arrives at the WSB headquarters in Washington, D.C. She asks an agent to point her toward someone who would know why Jack Brennan was released from Pentonville and why all the records indicating he was there or in Port Charles have been wiped. The agent tells her that information is likely classified, and without a court order, they can’t provide that to a civilian. She informs him that she arrested Jack Brennan for crimes in her jurisdiction, and she’s not leaving without answers.
Suddenly, Brennan opens a door and asks if Anna must always make such a nuisance of herself. He invites Anna into his office. She says it’s good to see him, given that all traces of him in Pentonville have vanished. He explains that is because he was never in Pentonville. Anna tells him whatever game he’s playing, he’s won, so why not tell her what is going on. He says the bureau had a use for him, it’s as simple as that. He asks if she was worried about him. Anna replies that she was worried he wouldn’t pay for his crimes, and that’s what’s happened.
Anna guesses the WSB had to divorce themselves from Pikeman, so they let the FBI take Pikmeman down, and Brennan and the WSB walked away clean. Brennan shrugs his shoulders. Anna says Brennan is walking around a free man, and Valentin, his scapegoat, is lounging on a beach somewhere safe. Brennan admits she’s right, but none of this will ever be made public.
Brennan assumes she didn’t come all this way to find him, so what does she want? Anna asks what leverage he has against Agent Cates. Brennan asks why he’d have any pull over the FBI. Anna knows he has connections everywhere, and Cates has gone off the rails and has targeted a friend of his, Carly Spencer. Brennan’s facial expression changes, and he is sorry to hear about Carly. Anna says Carly has been targeted by Cates to get to Sonny. Brannan says Sonny isn’t exactly the paragon of citizenship, and they both know having a code of honor and implementing it are two different things. She wonders how many lives he’s wrecked throughout his career. He suggests she have patience, and she may discover he’s not in the business of ruining lives if he can help it.
At the Metro Court pool, Nina arrives as Willow is drying Wiley off after a swim. He sees his Grandma Nina and gets excited. Nearby, Spinelli and Maxie are setting up some decorations.
James approaches Wiley, and he and Nina give Wiley a birthday present as they hear it is his birthday. Meanwhile, Spinelli and Maxie discuss why Carly is not here and instead is appearing in court. Spinelli confides that Cates has been holding evidence against Carly over Jason’s head to force him to work for him, and that evidence is why she’s in court.
Maxie calls Cates a snake. She pulls Spinelli aside and asks for more details. Spinelli talks in code to inform her that he hacked into the FBI server and discovered an incriminating recording of Carly. She asks why he couldn’t get rid of the evidence. Spinelli tells her, “Not even the Jackal could pull that off.”
Meanwhile, Wiley loves his present, and he and James run off to play. Nina tells Willow that she hopes she didn’t overstep, and Willow says she didn’t, and Wiley loves the gift. Nina explains she’s on a work break and should be getting back. Willow asks her to stay for a bit.
Nina sticks around, and Willow thanks Nina for arranging for Michael to meet the congressman. She admits she is shocked Nina even agreed to help. Nina thinks back to her discussion with Michael, who promised that Willow would know all the credit for freeing Carly would go to Nina. Nina tells Willow she helped Michael because, despite all their differences, she knows Carly is important to this family.
Later, Nina has to get back to work, and Wiley gives her a big hug. Willow tries to stop it as the boy has been in the pool again and is wet, but Nina says she doesn’t mind.
Outside the courtroom, Cates pushes Sonny’s buttons, and Michael tells his dad not to give the agent the satisfaction of putting him behind bars. Michael points out that Donna may lose her mother today, so does he want her to lose her father too? Sonny says Jagger’s finally shown his true colors. Cates says the same about Sonny.
Michael leads Sonny away, and Cates asks Molly why she’s protecting Sonny. She states she is protecting the county records, and he seems to be abusing his power based on a vendetta. She tells him that if he wants the assistance of the PCPD and DA’s office, he should make a request through the commissioner or get a court order. Molly storms off.
Later, Cates meets with Wilcox, the federal attorney assigned to Carly’s case. Cates tells him that he has much to tell him about this case.
Molly heads to the PCPD, looking for Anna. Dante explains Anna is out of town. Molly informs him what just transpired between Agent Cates and Sonny and that Sonny almost tore him limb from limb. They go into the interrogation room for privacy. She informs him that Sonny took a swing at Cates, and thankfully Michael intervened. Otherwise, Sonny would be sitting in a federal prison.
Later, Alexis stops by the station room to drop off some papers for Diane, and she announces she is officially back to being a practicing attorney. Dante congratulates her and suggests they get together at his and Sam’s for a celebration.
Alexis takes a minute to talk to Molly, who guesses her mother spoke to Kristina. They go into the interrogation room for privacy. Alexis tells Molly she jumped the gun by trying to force Kristina to sign a document on the spot. Molly believes Kristina is considering keeping this baby. Alexis states that Kristina told her she didn’t want to speak about Molly and TJ’s issues on television and put them out there for the world to know. Molly thinks Kristina had to know questions about the baby would come up, and now Kristina has made it appear that she and Blaze are having this baby together.
Alexa believes Kristina is flooded with pregnancy hormones, and right now, she feels like it’s her job to protect this baby. Alexis also points out that Kristina thinks Molly and TJ are fighting and may break up. Alexis suggests Molly just back off, talk to her sister calmly, and tell her she trusts her. Molly states that would be a lie. Alexis says if Molly pushes, Kristina will push back harder, and she knows she’s right.
Meanwhile, everyone begins to head into the courtroom. Michael checks in with Jason and Joss and wonders if Sonny is off his meds. Joss suggests they may no longer be working.
Carly enters and checks in with her family. Cates strolls in, and Diane orders Carly not to look at or speak to Cates. Once the arraignment starts, she wants no sound from Carly and her family until after she argues her case. Michael tells them that he will be meeting with the congressman about Cates, and Diane tells Michael to keep it above board. Carly says if she’s going down, she’s taking Cates with her.
The judge calls the court in session and asks how Carly pleads. Before Carly can say anything, Diane demands the case be dismissed, as they haven’t been made aware of what the evidence against Ms. Spencer is. She says Ms. Spencer is a long-standing member of this community, a mother, and she even turned herself in as she has nothing to hide.
The judge asks the federal attorney for his response. Wilcox shocks the court by stating that the people do not oppose the motion to dismiss.
Cates stands up and shouts that the people are not dropping these charges. The judge demands to know who Cates is. Cates explains that he’s the agent who brought the charges against Carly. The judge calls Wilcox, Diane, and Cates to her bench. Wilcox explains that the recording, the one piece of evidence in this case, doesn’t exist. The recording is missing. Cates appears shocked.
Cates states he has a transcript of the recording on his phone. Diane disputes the transcript, arguing there needs to be a chain of custody for any evidence. Wilcox states that Cates was the last to access the evidence in June.
The judge orders everyone to sit down and then announces that the case against Carly is dismissed. Cates grimaces. Cates tries to speak, but the judge says the case has been dismissed, and one more word out of him, and he’ll be held in contempt. She suggests he take his questions to his superiors and adjourns court.
Carly celebrates with her family. Cates confronts them and doesn’t know how they pulled this off. He calls this evidence tampering and has an idea who is behind it. Cates thinks back to arguing with Anna, Diane, and Carly the night he arrested Carly. Cates states this isn’t over. Michael responds that it is. Cates tells Sonny to enjoy the reprieve, and he’s going to put him behind bars for life and make sure Carly and Jason are rotting beside him.
Carly and Jason hug, and she cries that it’s over and Jason is free. Michael and Joss also join them in hugs. Sonny stays distant but thinks about Carly telling him about the recording earlier. Joss meanwhile asks how this happened. Carly and Jason have ideas, but Diane suggests they keep those theories to themselves and never speak of them.
Wilcox tells Diane she made an excellent argument, and he apologizes to Carly. The attorney also knows Cates has been less than professional, and the justice system will be looking into his conduct. Wilcox departs, and Carly asks if this means she can leave. Diane says she may. Michael says there is a celebration waiting for them already in progress, Wiley’s birthday. Michael invites Sonny, who is lurking, to join them.
Sonny looks at them and states, “What is wrong with you people?” Sonny feels this never had to happen. He says Carly should have told him what was happening from the beginning, and Jason didn’t trust him enough to call him three years ago to help him deal with Cates. None of them trusted him, but Sonny states he will take care of Jagger himself. He storms out, and Carly and Jason exchange worried looks.
On the next General Hospital: Molly apologizes to Kristina. Anna tells Jason she has a debt to pay. Ava gloats to Cates that she thinks everything will go her way. Carly asks Spinelli if he didn’t get to the evidence, then who did? Dante yells at Sonny that he can only push everyone away so far, including him.