General Hospital

Carly Makes a Shocking Request of Jason — Mac Takes a Bold Stand for Cody and Sasha

Carly asks Jason to save Lucky GH

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Cody meets Sasha outside of the Quartermaine boathouse because she texted hi to. She asks if he’s ready for something fun and exciting. Suddenly Mac, Felicia, Georgie, and James surprise him. Sasha has planned a big family brunch for them. Mac and Felicia explain Maxie is at the house for a Deception meeting, and Baily Lou has the sniffles and is home with Spinelli.

Sasha has a big surprise for Cody GH

Sasha uncovers the table and all the dishes she’s made, including breads, pancakes and quiches, and tells them to enjoy. She was going to leave them to spend time together as a family, but Mac and Felicia insist Sasha stay and joke that they don’t want Cody to be lonely.

Sasha's big surprise GH

They sit down and enjoy Sasha’s cooking. James suddenly asks if Sasha sleeps over at Cody’s every night, as Violet said they were napping the other day. Cody chokes on his food, and James wonders if he can sleep over at Cody’s like Sasha does.

In the living room, Tracy has gathered the Deception crew for a meeting. Tracy feels Sonny’s involvement with the FBI agent’s murder could bring them all down as he is a significant investor. Lois unveils her new speaking voice and suggests they think rationally about this, as Sonny has not yet been charged, and nothing is linking him to the crime. Everyone who hasn’t heard the new Lois is floored.

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Quartermaine meeting about Deception GH

Maxie asks what happened to Lois, and Lucy assumes she’s having a stroke. Lois explains that Tracy provided with her a dialect coach to help improve her voice and hopefully increase buyers. Maxie and Lucy think they should have been consulted, and nothing was wrong with her voice or sales. Tracy says Lois accepted her offer and it was her choice.

Lucky and Maxie are shocked GH

Maxie directs them back to why Tracy called the meeting. Tracy continues to argue they don’t need the bad publicity Sonny will bring them nor the unwanted federal attraction to his investment. Maxie calls her accusations baseless, saying that Sonny is a silent partner, Natalia has done wonders with their books, and they owe having her to Sonny. Maxie decides to join her family for brunch, and Natalia decides to leave as well. Before she leaves, Tracy reminds her to tell Sonny to review the morality clause in his contract.

Tracy continues to complain about Sonny GH

Lucy tells Tracy that dialect coach clearly knew what she was doing, and maybe she should hire her to get rid of some of her rough edges. Tracy orders her out, and Lucy gladly leaves.

Tracy departs to get some quiche, and Lois can see her daughter is troubled. Brook Lynn admits she can’t stop thinking about Violet asking her and Chase when they’d have a baby.

Lois and BLQ talk GH

Lois assumes she is hearing her biological clock ticking. Brook Lynn is, and she and Chase aren’t getting any younger. However, she worries about throwing a baby into their busy work schedule, and they are already caring for Violet. However, she still asks her mother what she thinks about becoming a Nona sooner rather than later.

Brook Lynn can't stop thinking GH

Maxie joins her family outside the boathouse, and James asks his mother if he can sleep over at Cody’s like Sasha does. Maxie wasn’t expecting that. Cody tells James that he and Sasha don’t have sleepovers. James doesn’t understand why, isn’t she his friend? Cody says, “Actually, she’s my girlfriend, or I’d like her to be.”

James surprises Cody and Sasha GH

James thinks Sasha should say yes, and Maxie tells him that’s not his call. Cody and Sasha step into the boathouse to speak, and he is sorry for putting her on the spot. She says she would like to be his girlfriend, and they kiss. Suddenly they hear Tracy loudly complaining, “So this is where my breakfast is?”

Cody and Sasha talk GH

They go outside to find Tracy upset that Sasha planned a big brunch for the Scorpio clan and left her with a box of instant oatmeal. Tracy yells that Sasha is her chef! Sasha explains she got Olivia’s permission, that she paid for the food herself, that this is her day off, and that these are her guests.

Tracy is angry with Sasha and Cody GH

Tracy lashes out that she and Cody have overstepped big-time. Mac tells Tracy, “That’s enough!” He says she could learn a thing or two about kindness from Sasha and that nobody likes a bully. James offers Tracy his quiche and says he understands people get hangry when they don’t get enough to eat. Tracy huffs off, and Maxie can’t believe her son called Tracy hangry.

Mac and Felicia stand up GH

Mac takes Cody aside, and they go into the boathouse. Cody thanks him for stepping in. Mac says he was glad to help, and he’s also happy that Sasha is his girlfriend. Cody thanks Mac for accepting him into his family. Mac thanks his son for being patient with him, and they embrace.

Cody and Mac embrace GH

Joss barges into Michael’s office, telling him that he must save their mom from herself. Joss says their mother giving Sonny an alibi for Cates’ murder could land her in legal trouble. Michael says frankly that whoever killed Cates did them a favor as he has targeted their family because of his grudge against Sonny. He arrested Kristina and charged her with her own baby’s death thanks to said grudge, and he won’t shed a tear over his death.

Joss is angry GH

Joss had no idea about Kristina, and asks if she’s okay. Michael says she’s broken, and now Alexis has become a person of interest in Cate’s murder. Michael says that’s why the worst thing she can do is run around spewing conspiracy theories about their mom and Sonny. If Alexis is fair game to the PCPD, think about what they could do to their mother. Joss still doesn’t understand how their mom could stick her neck out for Sonny, and asks how Michael repaired his relationship with Sonny.

Michael is Anrgry GH

Michael explains that he realized that spending his life hating Sonny was costing him more than forgiving him. He says he almost lost Willow over his anger, so he had to let it go. Joss admits it’s hard for her to let hers go and trust their mother knows what she’s doing. She still can’t believe that after everything Sonny did, Michael let him back into his life. Is Sonny worth that much to him? Michael explains his family is worth it, and his dad is a part of it.

Michael gives Joss advice GH

Jason finds Carly visiting with Lulu at the hospital. He asks if anything is wrong. She cries that Lulu is running out of time. They step out of her room, and Carly explains Lucky is no longer in the camp Laura and Kevin are headed to, but they can’t get word to them to tell them. Reception is poor there. Jason asks how she knows all this, and she admits Jack Brennan told her.

Carly and Jason talk BRennan GH

They go back into Lulu’s room, and Jason warns her to stay away from Jack Brennan. Jason knows he has an agenda and wants something back in exchange for help. Carly says all that matters right now is saving Lulu. Carly thinks about how tight she and Lulu were once. She misses her cousin and wants her back. She knows Bobbie, the family matriarch, would do anything for the family, including cozying up to Brennan. Jason can see he can’t talk her out of this. Carly says there is something else, that she needs him to go to Africa and bring Lucky home.

Jason warns Carly about Brennan GH

Jason agrees to go. Carly cries she knows he’s spent so much time away from his family as is, so promise her that he’ll come home. He says he will. Carly then gets Jack’s call with an update she’s been waiting for.

Diane visits Sonny at his restaurant and says they have a problem. Diane reveals that Alexis has framed herself for murder, one she didn’t commit. Sonny asks if she’s been charged, but Alexis hasn’t… yet. However Alexis threatened Cates in front of officers, she has no alibi, procured a firearm, and was seen throwing it off a bridge into the canyon. Alexis was caught doing so by Elizabeth and his brother, Ric. She also can’t represent Alexis, as she’s already representing him. She says Alexis could be tried and convicted of first-degree murder, so what is he going to do about this?

Diane and Sonny talk GH

Diane knows Sonny won’t sit by and let the mother of one of his children be convicted for a crime they both know she didn’t commit. Sonny thinks Alexis should have come to him for help. Diane says they both know Alexis would do anything for her children and doesn’t always think before reacting when they are in trouble. Sonny doesn’t know what he’s supposed to do. Diane says they must find a way to get Alexis off the hook. Diane fears if nobody else goes down for Cates’ murder, then Alexis may very well. She assumes Alexis will be calling him soon, and she departs.

Sonny and Diane GH

Sonny makes some calls and has his brother Ric tailed. Natalia appears to see him. She explains she just came from a Deception meeting, and Tracy is worried about his possible involvement in Cates’ murder and that it could have repercussions for the company. Sonny argues he has an alibi, and Cates had a lot of enemies. Natalia explains Tracy is threatening to invoke the morality clause in his contract and force him to pull his money out. They need to find a strategy to move forward. He doesn’t know how when his daughter lost her child and has been charged with manslaughter.

Natalia is sorry for bringing this up now, and asks how Kristina is, and how is. He knows she’s just doing her job, and she’s doing it well. He says Cates did everything he could to come after him, and he used Kristina to do so. He is glad Cates is gone, but now Alexis may take the fall for his murder. He vows he won’t let that happen on his watch.

Natalia speaks with Sonny GH

Next on General Hospital, Felicia wonders if Tracy is interested in Cody. Tracy asks Brook Lynn and Lois, “Tell me it’s a lie!” Michael suggests to Kristina that they deliver a stronger case against someone else to the police. Alexis wonders if Sonny is worried she’ll incriminate Kristina or himself.

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