General Hospital

Robert Discovers Secret Daughter Bombshell – Laura Faces Devastating Lulu Surgery Setback!

RObert Holly and Sasha GH

Credit: ABC screenshot

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Lucky wakes up and walks downstairs at Laura’s place. He finds Liz there and asks if he’s in the right apartment. Liz fills him in on the news about Sam and Lulu, and that the surgeries are scheduled. Lucky sits down and says that for the past few days, all he’s been able to think about is how his choices could cost Lulu her life.

Lucky and Liz talk GH ABC

Liz tells Lucky there was no way he could predict this would happen. Working at the hospital, she’s learned that days of sadness and despair are part of life. However, life can be great, too, and today is a good day, so he should appreciate it. Lucky says she’s right, and he thanks her for stopping by with the update. Liz says he’s really not the reason he’s here. Ace cries over the baby monitor, and she says today, she’s a babysitter.

Liz has news for Lucky GH

Liz brings Ace down, and he plays as Lucky and Liz talk. Liz says Ace reminds him of Aiden at this age. She says Aiden loved to bop to music and sing, which he got from his father. Later, the next babysitter arrives, and Liz has to go to work. She encourages Lucky to talk to their son about who he is now, and even music. Lucky says he’ll see her at the hospital, he just needs to call a ride share. Liz offers him a ride and says he can serenade her like old times.

Liz Lucky and Ace GH

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In her room at the Quartermaine mansion, Chase and Brook Lynn let Violet know that her dad is getting out of rehab and she’ll be moving back home with him. She jumps into Chase’s arms and hugs him. She asks when she moves in. He explains soon, but her dad got a job in Seattle, so she’ll be moving there, and they are arranging everything now. She is thrilled because it means a new school and no Garth. Brook Lynn, in tears, needs a moment and rushes out of the room.

Chase and Violet GH

As Chase helps Violet pack, Violet learns Seattle is far away, but Chase says they’ll visit. She’s going to miss them. However, she thinks he and Brook Lynn will be okay as they’ll have their own baby soon. She wants him to give her two favorite stuffed animals to their baby. Chase suggests he and Brook Lynn keep one, and she keeps the other, and that way, they’ll always feel at home in both places. Gio shows up with a suitcase and takes over, helping Violet pack, so Chase can check on Brook Lynn.

Gio helps Violet GH

Gio asks Violet about moving to Seattle. She’s glad to be with her dad but is nervous about changing schools. Gio understands, and he has changed schools a lot in his life, so he gives her some tips on adjusting.

In the living room, Ned and Lois talk about Finn and Violet moving to Seattle. Ned quickly notices Lois has ditched the new accent and reverted to her true one. Lois explains she’ll still use Ms. Finch’s teachings in the proper settings. They both can’t believe Finn is leaving and discuss how they’ll miss Violet.

Brook Lynn walks into the living room in tears. Lois immediately senses this is about Violet. Brook Lynn cries to her parents, saying that she knows Violet will be happy with her dad, and she’s happy for her. But she started to think of herself as a daughter, as she did with Bailey Lou, and she’s not ready to give up that feeling again.

Brook Lynn and CHase embrace GH

Ned tells her it’s only natural to feel that way. Brook Lynn says she has to hold it together for Chase, at least until Violet is gone. Chase appears and says she doesn’t have to hold it together for him, and he feels the same way. They embrace. Brook Lynn doesn’t want to break down in front of Violet but knows Violet belongs with her dad. She knows she’s so happy to be going back to him. Lois excuses herself, and Ned tells Brook Lynn that they’ll all be sad to see Violet go as she’s family. Brook Lynn freaks out, as they haven’t told Tracy. Brook Lynn calls Tracy to tell her that Violet is going home to be with Finn.

Back in Violet’s room, she and Gio finish packing her suitcase. Violet’s expression finally turns a bit sad. Gio knows goodbyes are hard, but reminds her that she’ll be with her dad, and that’s the most important thing. Lois stands in the doorway and listens.

Sam gathers her mother and sisters at Alexis’ house. She reveals the news she is going to be Lulu’s donor. Kristina wasn’t expecting this and thought this was going to be about Ric. Molly asks what happened with her father, and Kristina explains she found Ric and Ava having dinner like nothing ever happened. Molly wants details and soon realizes Kristina lost it in a crowded restaurant and has just helped Ava’s defense. Kristina states that, for once, Molly’s dad is the villain, not hers. Molly tells her that she all but handed her father evidence that Ava is not at fault, Kristina and her explosive temper are. Sam tries to stop them from fighting but also refuses to choose sides in their battle.

Alexis Sam Molly Kristina News GH

Sam yells at her sisters that she has enough going on and doesn’t need this. She has to drop her kids off at the Quaretermaines and go to the hospital. She storms out, and Alexis asks her other daughters if they are proud of themselves. Alexis says they should be helping one another grieve and heal over their loss, but instead, they are choosing to burn this family down.

Sam is angry GH

Tracy sits by Lulu’s bed in the hospital and knows this has been a wild ride. As Laura appears in the doorway and looks on, Tracy promises Lulu that she is going to be just fine.

They step out to the hall, and Laura thanks Tracy for taking care of Ace for so long. Tracy says her grandson is a terror, and they have to repaint the nursery walls because of him. However, she’s covering the cost, which Laura calls generous. She knows this isn’t the first time Tracy has cared for her family, and she took care of Lulu when she couldn’t. Laura says she’ll always be grateful to her for stepping up for Lulu.

Tracy and Laura chat GH

Tracy admits she wasn’t ready to be thrust into the stepmother role, and Lulu was so like her dad back then. Tracy says she was selfish, reckless, and inconsiderate, but she was also just as glorious as Luke. She says caring for Lulu was a privilege. Tracy also says Lulu always knew her mom would return to her one day. Laura feels that’s why she knows Lulu will come back to her. Terry interrupts to talk with Laura about the surgery.

Tracy and Laura talk GH

In private, Terry informs Laura they’ve just learned of a complication regarding Lulu’s surgery.

Laura learns of a complication GH

Elsewhere, Lucas meets Isaiah and introduces himself as Lucky’s cousin. He also says the whole hospital is talking about how he saved his cousin Lulu, and they both know that the ventilator shouldn’t have failed. Isaiah fills him in on what happened, and Lucas ponders someone turned the ventilator on purpose. Isaiah asks who would do that and who would know how. Lucas says he’d say go to the usual suspects, but the town is infested with them.

Lucas and Isaiah meet GH

Isaiah wonders if he should be talking to the police. Lucas notes they don’t have any evidence yet. Isaiah relays that Dr. Robinson is having the ventilator examined, so they may soon have that evidence. He has to get to this PT session, and Lucas thanks Isaiah for what he did.

Isaiah and Lucas talk faults GH

Holly shows up at Maxie’s, where Felicia answers the door. Holly was hoping to find Mac. Felicia explains he’s out. Holly needs his help and says she’s nearly gone to the grave while keeping a secret from her daughter. Maxie appears and asks, “What daughter?”

Holly tells the truth to Felicia and Maxie GH

They sit down, and Felicia can’t believe Holly never told her she had a daughter. Holly says it’s been painful keeping this secret, and they happen to know her daughter, as it’s Sasha. Maxie says Sasha has never mentioned this before. Holly explains Sasha would rather she wasn’t her mother.

Maxie and Felicia learn the truth GH

Holly says she realized when she got pregnant again that she couldn’t abandon another child, not after the pain that occurred with Ethan. However, she was not able to raise the child on her own, so she let her mother raise Sasha. She visited when she could. Maxie interjects, “In between scams.” Holly admits she wasn’t a great mother, but she did teach Sasha everything she knew. She says Sasha was a natural at the con.

Holly Maxie and Felicia argue GH

Holly explains when Sasha turned twelve, she took her on trips with her across Europe, and she tried to shower her with all the love and affection she could. However, Sasha never wanted anything to do with her. Felicia notes she hasn’t mentioned who Sasha’s father is. Holly admits she thought Sasha’s father was dead, but when it turned out he wasn’t, she couldn’t show up at his door with the news. Felicia has an idea who they are talking about, and she hopes she’s wrong for Sasha’s sake.

Felicia has advice for Holly GH

Holly tells them it’s Robert, which makes Sasha and Cody first cousins. Maxie doesn’t believe it and brings up the DNA test that was done, the one in which Sasha swapped her sample out for Cody’s. Felicia gets where she’s going, but the test was only a paternity test, and it was a yes or no answer about paternity. It was not a genetic percentage likeness test. Holly was hoping Mac would talk to Robert, but Felicia tells her that she must be the one to do that. Holly agrees and heads out, as Felicia warns she’ll follow up with Robert in an hour.

Alone, Maxie thanks Felicia for being here for her. Maxie knows there was a time she wasn’t, and she gave her a hard time for that. Felicia says she deserved it. Maxie says, “Maybe then, but not now.” She wonders if Holly and Sasha will find their way back to one another. Felicia hopes so.

Sasha confronts Robert in his office and tells him, “We need to get one thing straight: you are not my father.” Robert is confused, and Sasha explains that Holly is her mother, and she has never mentioned who her father was before. Then again, her mother is a known liar. Robert explains he and Holly were married, and there were times both thought the other was dead. He is confused as to why Sasha has never spoken up the last two times Holly has been in Port Charles. Sasha states it’s because she wants nothing to do with her mother and needs his help proving she’s lying about this. Robert asks why she’d lie. Sasha explains her mother only told her about him now because she and Cody Bell are involved. Sasha was hoping to do a DNA test, and Robert says he’ll go to General Hospital this afternoon to give a sample. Holly worries her resourceful mother will tamper with the evidence. Robert says they’ll use the WSB lab and calls up Brennan.

Holly yells at Robert GH

The samples are sent off, and Sasha and Robert talk about Holly. Sasha admits of all the men her mother could claim was her father, she’s glad it’s him. He says the feeling is mutual. Sasha tells him not to get too attached as the results aren’t in yet. She heads out of his office.

Robert learns about Sasha GH

Sasha returns to work at the Quartermaines. Maxie appears and tells her that she thought they were friends. Sasha realizes Holly has told her that she’s her mother.

Sasha and Maxie GH

Holly goes to Robert’s office to speak to him about a personal matter. Holly doesn’t know how to say this. Robert says, “How about, Robert, you have a daughter.”

Next on General Hospital, Violet says goodbye to Tracy, Sasha tells Maxie she won’t let her mother take Cody from her, and Lucky thinks he has a way to improve Lulu’s odds.

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