Young and the Restless

Two Young & Restless Secrets Are On a Collision Course With Tragedy

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI (5), CBS/Courtesy of the Everett Collection

Every time we tune in to The Young and the Restless lately, we get nervous. On one hand, we have Sharon, who is acting so edgy that daughter Faith fears that she is off her medication. On the other, we have Lucy, desperate to be accepted by the older girl and lying to dad Daniel about where she was the night of the pool party. As easily as we can see that one and one equals two, we can predict that Sharon and Lucy’s secrets are set to collide in horrific fashion. But how, exactly?

The first questions that need to be answered are, where was Lucy when she said that she was at the pool party, and how did she get home? Has she found herself an alternate crowd of older kids to whom she has been ingratiating herself? Despite Daniel’s warnings, has she been drinking? Is there a more mature guy involved, either taking advantage of Lucy’s naïveté or clueless as to her real age?

lucy yr

The next question that needs to be answered is, how far is Sharon going to let herself go off the rails before she acknowledges that she has a problem? Our fear is that one fateful night in the not-too-distant future, Lucy will be coming home from a blowout with her new friends. Perhaps thinking that she’s older than she is, they’re even letting her drive. Sharon is coming in the other direction. She spots Lucy behind the wheel, and in that instant, her vision changes, and she sees young Cassie. 

Overcome, Sharon accidentally crashes into the car that Lucy is driving. In the aftermath, Lucy’s new pals cover for her. The older guy lies that he was driving. So when Sharon says that Lucy was the driver, she sounds totally crazy. Daniel wants to give her the benefit of the doubt, but neither he nor Heather can keep from wondering: Did Sharon try to kill their daughter as some kind of warped payback for his role in Cassie’s death?

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